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The Patricia Blaise-Caves Scholarship Endowment Fund was established in 2015. The gifts raised for this endowment will provide the foundation for our scholarship program for generations to come.

Please donate to the PBC Endowment Fund. The Fund-A-Need goal is $50,000.
Package Name Amount Quantity Subtotal

$10,000 PBC Endowment Fund-A-Need $0.00

$5,000 PBC Endowment Fund-A-Need $0.00

$2,500 PBC Endowment Fund-A-Need $0.00

$1,000 PBC Endowment Fund-A-Need $0.00

$500 PBC Endowment Fund-A-Need $0.00

$250 PBC Endowment Fund-A-Need $0.00

$100 PBC Endowment Fund-A-Need $0.00

$50 PBC Endowment Fund-A-Need $0.00

Custom Amount

I authorize French American School of Puget Sound to use the credit card entered on the submission page at event 2025 Gala & Auction. Once the transaction has completed successfully, a confirmation receipt will be sent to the email address entered.