Art Contest
Open to all FASPS students: YPK - Grade 8!
Subject: The Kaleidoscope of You!
Create a “logo” for the event to be used on select Gala merchandise. Think about a design that features a collage of all your different facets — things about you, things you love, what you want to be someday! The design should be simple enough to be printed on items both large and small.
Format & Specifications
Submissions that do not follow these guidelines will be returned:
- 8 1/2 x 11 inches
- Use collage, drawing, painting to create your kaleidoscope!
- Must include the words “Diversity” and “Gala 2017”
- Full name and grade printed on the back (must not be on the front)
January 27, 2017. Please turn your work in to the Front Desk.
Evaluation Criteria
The jury, comprised of (non-parent) faculty members, will judge the creativity and quality of the work and its suitability for a logo.
Please follow guidelines in regards to size of paper or you may take the risk of being disqualified!
All participants’ creations will be displayed at school and a special one of a kind kaleidoscope with all the participants’ art pieces will be used on a special surprise gala merchandise!
Several winners will be chosen from each age group to receive:
- A display of their art work in the Gala catalog
- A poster of their art piece for keep sake!
Click here for more information!
Questions? Email